Socket To External Driver Conversion Board
- SKU:
- 810
- Socket to External Drivers converter board. It plugs into a Pololu stepper driver socket and re-routs the Step,Direction,Enable,Ground pins to the stepper motor ports connector.
- Forum discussion on external drivers for the Raspberry Pi CNC Hat:
Using Pololu sockets for external stepper drivers - Makes it easy to reuse the screw connectors on the Raspberry Pi CNC Hat for External drives like : Thb6064ah , DQ542MA , Gecko Drivers and more.
- PCB with 4 break-off Pololu socket converters, enough to fully equip one 4-channel CNC HAT.
- Male header pins that will fit Pololu Stepper Sockets
Not included
- Raspberry Pi
- Raspberry Pi CNC Hat
- Stepper Drivers
- Or anything else..