Sensor:bit is a breakout board based on micro:bit. It has extended all available IO ports on micro:bit, and led out them in the form of GVS. With this board, we can extend various 3V electric brick modules like LED light, photocell, etc. On the board, it has integrated a buzzer and an audio jack, which allows us to hear music from the buzzer or with our headphones.
- Extend most IO ports on micro:bit by GVS pins.
- Independently lead out IIC interface. Enable to plug in IIC components like OLED, BME280, etc..
- Integrated a buzzer and an audio jack.
- Support interface.
- Mark out each IO port with silk printing.
- Product Name Sensor:bit
- Version No. V1.6
- SKU EF03415
- Working Voltage 2.7~3.3V
- Buzzer Support
- Interface Support
- Size 57mm x 42mm
- Net weight 18g
- sensor:bit 1x
Definition of Pins
Navigate to the programming interface of Makecode online editor. Write your code to make the buzzer on sensor:bit plays music.
You can see the whole program from the link