Handheld button/LED board designed for use with CircuitPython
What is it?
A multipurpose handheld device which could be used as a USB keyboard, keystroke replay, reacting to gestures, serial communication, etc.
- 4 User Buttons.
- 9 LED (Red and Amber for each button, and Blue in the centre).
- ADXL345 Accelerometer.
- Micro SD socket.
- Preloaded with UF2 (USB Mass Storage Bootloader) and CircuitPython.
- USB Connector for power and data.
- Unpopulated Serial UART (3.3v) header.
- Reset Button.
- PCB is fully soldered/assembled, just add a USB cable.
Why did you make it?
We wanted a handheld board I could use to "type" lines of keystrokes from a script read from the SD card. Please note this isn't finished software, if you want to do the same you can create your own by building on the examples in the linked documentation.
What makes it special?
It's designed to be held in either hand and can be programmed using CircuitPython to react to input from buttons and/or the accelerometer.